Electricity Usage Consumption Calculator

Electricity Usage Consumption Calculator

Electricity Usage Consumption Calculator

Instructions on How to Use the Electricity Usage Consumption Calculator

  1. Select Appliance:
    • From the dropdown menu labeled "Appliance," select the appliance you want to calculate the electricity usage for.
  2. Enter Power Consumption:
    • In the input field labeled "Power Consumption (Watts)," enter the power consumption of the selected appliance in watts. Ensure the value is a non-negative number.
  3. Enter Hours of Use per Day:
    • In the input field labeled "Hours of Use per Day," enter the number of hours the appliance is used per day. Ensure the value is a non-negative number.
  4. Enter Cost per kWh:
    • In the input field labeled "1 kWh Cost (PHP)," enter the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in PHP. Ensure the value is a non-negative number.
  5. Calculate:
    • Click the "Calculate" button to determine the electricity cost per day, per month, and per year. The results will be displayed in the highlighted box below.
  6. Reset:
    • To clear all the input fields and the results, click the "Reset" button.

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please consult additional resources or seek expert advice.

Formula Used for Electricity Usage Consumption Calculation

The formulas used for calculating the electricity usage and cost are:

These formulas calculate the energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh) based on the power in watts and the usage duration in hours and then determine the electricity cost based on the cost per kWh.

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