kW to Amperes (A) Calculator
Instructions on How to Use the Calculator:
- Enter Power (kW):
- Input the power in kilowatts (kW) into the "Power (kW)" field.
- Enter Voltage (V):
- Input the voltage in volts (V) into the "Voltage (V)" field.
- Enter Power Factor (PF):
- Input the power factor (PF) into the "Power Factor (PF)" field if applicable. This field is required for AC Single Phase and AC Three Phase calculations.
- Select Phase:
- Choose the appropriate phase type from the "Phase" dropdown:
- DC: Select this option if you are working with a DC electrical system.
- AC Single Phase: Select this option if you are working with a single-phase AC electrical system.
- AC Three Phase (Line to Line Voltage): Select this option if you are working with a three-phase AC electrical system with line to line voltage.
- AC Three Phase (Line to Neutral Voltage): Select this option if you are working with a three-phase AC electrical system with line to neutral voltage.
- Choose the appropriate phase type from the "Phase" dropdown:
- Calculate:
- Click the "Calculate" button to compute the current in amperes (A) based on the provided kW, voltage, and power factor. The result will be displayed in the highlighted box with decimal numbers.
- Reset:
- Click the "Reset" button to clear all input fields and the result. This allows you to perform new calculations without any previous data.
Formulas used for Kilowatts (kW) to Amps (A) Conversion
Here are the formulas used in the kW to Ampere conversion calculator for different electrical systems including DC, AC Single Phase, AC Three Phase (Line to Line Voltage), and AC Three Phase (Line to Neutral Voltage), considering the power factor.

- DC (Direct Current):
- The current is calculated by dividing the power (in watts) by the voltage. Since power is given in kilowatts, it is multiplied by 1000 to convert to watts.
- AC Single Phase:
- The current is calculated by dividing the power (in watts) by the product of voltage and power factor.
- AC Three Phase (Line to Line Voltage):
- The current is calculated by dividing the power (in watts) by the product of voltage, power factor, and the square root of 3. This accounts for the phase difference in a three-phase system.
- AC Three Phase (Line to Neutral Voltage):
- The current is calculated by dividing the power (in watts) by the product of voltage, power factor, and 3. This accounts for the voltage being measured from line to neutral in a three-phase system.