Licensing and Practice in Electrical Engineering in the Philippines


The Professional Regulation Commission is tasked with the testing and examination, registration, and renewal of licenses of registered engineers and master electricians after having complied with requirements of continuing education.

The grades of electrical engineers and technologists are;

  • Professional Electrical Engineers, 
  • Registered Electrical Engineers and 
  • Registered Master Electricians. 

The implementation Enforcement and Regulation of all levels of Electrical Engineers and Technologists (Master Electrician) shall still be the government, Professional Regulation Commission or the Board of Electrical Engineering on this aspect, the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, the accredited professional organization or APO has for its service to the members to facilitate the renewal of their license and assist in their registration for examination.

The licensing of electrical engineers and technologists or master electricians will endure highly Qualified Practitioners thru a system of licensure examination based on Electrical Engineering and Technology Fundamentals , laid out in the K to 12 basic education that develops graduates well founded in mathematics, physics, theories, principles and practice of electrical engineering or technology outcome based for industry matching, geared for technological advancement and prepared for competition both locally and globally.


There are 9 practices of electrical engineering profession comprising of the following:

  1. Design Services
  2. Electrical Engineering Consultation 
  3. Inspection and appraisal 
  4. Research and development 
  5. Sales 
  6. Educational Services 
  7. Electrical Services 
  8. Operation and 
  9. Maintenance Services

All of the professional practices are guided by the safety code of practice namely the Philippine Electrical Code Parts 1 and 2, where the standard specification for design plans, materials and workmanship are thoroughly spelled out including process inspection, test and commissioning.

The Electrical Engineering Practitioners have a Socio-Economic Responsibility in this aspect of practice:

1. To safeguard public welfare, client interest through safe, reliable, cost effective design, plans installation, operation, maintenance and fit-up. 
2. To preserve and protect the good name and image of the Institute and integrity of the Profession. 
3. To support and assist the Professional Regulation Commission or the Board of Electrical Engineering in the;

  • (a) Strict implementation of RA 7920
  • (b) Faithful compliance to its provision as a duty and moral obligation
  • (c) Monitoring, reporting, sanctioning malpractice committed by IIEE members and foreigners or expatriates
  • (d) Illegal practice and
  • (e) malpractice
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