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The Manual of Professional Practice in Electrical Engineering in the Philippines.
The purpose of the professional practice manual is to guide Licensed Electrical Practitioners in the practice of their profession in accord with the tenets set forth in the latest Electrical Engineering Law. This also serves as a guide for the electrical engineering and senior high school students in choosing their future career.
For the electrical engineering savvy, the Manual of Professional Practice have been prepared by the Professional Practice Committee in order to set out guidelines of practice, which all Licensed Electrical Practitioner should follow in providing professional electrical engineering services consistent with the mission of the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc.:
,• To enhance the competencies of electrical practitioners to make positive contribution towards new trends and technologies;
• To be an authority of electrical engineering services that results to safe, reliable and efficient systems;
• To consistently deliver high quality products and services duly recognized by international organization and institutions; and
• To promote awareness on the use of environmentally friendly electrical products, services, and resources as well as active participation on disaster preparedness and recovery programs.
• In furtherance to the commitment of the Institute to improve the quality of services that its members provide and in order to standardize the guidelines in the practice of electrical engineering, this revised manual was crafted. While there might be variations in the application of this manual, it is not intended to alter binding contracts between member and clients. A Licensed Electrical Practitioner must always exercise professional judgment in his dealings to the public and or to the client.
For inquiries about the Manual of Professional Practice in Electrical Engineering
Please contact; 0917562510, [email protected] or [email protected]