Electrical Permits
Electrical Permit Needed Before Work is Started. Before starting any installation work, alternation, repair or extension on any electrical system, the owners, lessors, operators, occupants, or licensed electrical practitioners shall obtain Electrical Permit for buildings, trailers, mobile homes, or other premises from the Office of the Building Official (OBO), and for watercrafts from the authority for maritime concerns. In securing the electrical permit, the services of a licensed electrical practitioner is required under the Republic Act 7920 or national electrical engineering law.

Requirement for Electrical Permit: Signatures and submittals.
(A) The Electrical Permit shall include the following minimum information:
- Applicant.
- Professional Electrical Engineer who signed and sealed electrical plans and specifications, with photocopy of valid Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) and valid Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) License.
- Licensed Electrical Practitioner who is in-charge of electrical works, with photocopy of valid PTR and valid PRC License.
- Building Owner.
- Lot Owner.
- Building Official
(B) Five (5) sets of complete electrical plans and specifications signed and sealed by Professional Electrical Engineer.
Other Requirements: (may vary depending on your municipality)
Electrical Plan
Electrical Permit Form
Barangay Clearance
Building Permit
Zoning Certificate
Certificate of Electrical Inspection
Electrical Permit to Be Issued Immediately.
- (A) The application, upon receipt, shall be checked immediately by the electrical engineer of the local building office or his representatives for compliance with the requirements. If complying, the Electrical Permits shall be issued upon payment of the corresponding electrical fees.
- (B) If the project is extensive and requires more time for checking of the routinary fiscal and ministerial requirements, the issuance of the Electrical Permit need not be issued immediately. The delay shall not be longer than five (5) working days, after which time, the application together with the accompanying plans shall be considered as complying with all the requirements and the electrical permit shall be issued immediately thereafter.
Posting of Electrical Permit.
A copy of the Electrical Permit, upon issuance, shall be posted at a conspicuous location at the job site and shall not be removed until final inspection and approval of the work shall have been made.
Licensed Electrical Practitioner in-charge of the design, and the licensed electrical practitioner in-charge of the installation shall post a copy of their respective valid Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) identification card together with the electrical permit at all times.
Licensed Electrical Practitioner who will be in-charge of the Design.
- Professional Electrical Engineer
Licensed Electrical Practitioner who will be in-charge of the Electrical Installation.
- Professional Electrical Engineer
- Registered Electrical Engineer
- Registered Master Electrician (NOT EXCEEDING 600 VOLTS AND 500 kVA)