RME Exam Subjects, Topics and Reviewers

Do you want to take the Registered Master Electrician (RME) Board Examination?

  • In here, you can practice and review Technical Subjects, Philippine Electrical Code and other related subjects. Always think that there is no easy exam, In taking any kind of exams you should be prepared and ready. That’s why you need to study and review your knowledge about the electrical field before taking the RME licensure board examination. Encourage yourself to study and believe in yourself that you can pass the exam. 
Here are the subjects and topics you should review and study: 
  • Ohm’s Law: Calculations for resistance, current, voltage and power for direct current and alternating current circuits. 
  •  Electrical machines: Description and operating principles of motors, generators and transformers. 
  • Control equipment: Description and function of fuses, overload relays, safety switches, magnetic switches, circuit breakers, star-delta motor starters, transformer-type motor starters, D.C. motor starters. 
  •  Electrical components: Description of resistors, capacitors, inductors and semi-conductors. 
  • Maintenance and repair: Description of the procedures in the maintenance of electrical machinery. 
  • Philippine Electrical Code: General requirements for installation of electric wiring and equipment, Approved wiring methods, Types of wiring materials and wiring devices, Installation of switchboard and panelboards, Installation in hazardous location, Wiring diagrams of different types of motor starters with motor protections; Drawing symbols and wiring plans and Other related subjects. 
If you want to practice your knowledge in Technical Subjects and Philippine Electrical Code here are some of the online quizzes you can answer and view your score right away. Take time to answer the quizzes to enhance your knowledge and learn more. Good Luck.

 Take time to study the questions below to familiarize and review your knowledge: 

Technical Subjects


Philippine Electrical Code

Electrical Formulas


Compiled Questions
Video Reviewer for RME
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