For decisions and actions involving a knowledge of electrical engineering and/or training in electrical installations and practices, the services of a licensed electrical practitioner is required.
The Licensed Electrical Practitioners in the Philippines are the following:
- Professional Electrical Engineer (PEE)
- Registered Electrical Engineer (REE)
- Registered Master Electrician (RME)
They are licensed by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) and the qualified person who has qualifications, skills, and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.
The field of practice for Professional Electrical Engineers, Registered Electrical Engineers, and Registered Master Electricians is as follows:
Professional Electrical Engineer (PEE)
Professional Electrical Engineer’s field of practice includes the sole authority to seal electrical plans, etc., and to practice electrical engineering in its full scope:
- Consultation, investigation, valuation and management of services requiring electrical engineering knowledge;
- Design and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for electric power systems, power plants, power distribution systems including power transformers, transmission lines and network protection, switchgear, building wiring electrical machines, equipment and others;
- Supervision of erection, installation, testing and commissioning of power plants, substations, transmission lines, industrial plants and others;
- Supervision of operation and maintenance of electrical equipment in power plants, industrial plants, watercrafts, electric locomotives and others;
- Supervision of the manufacture and repair of electrical equipment including switchboards, transformers, generators, motors, apparatus and others;
- Teaching of electrical engineering professional subjects; and
- Taking charge of the sale and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring engineering calculations or applications of engineering data.
Registered Electrical Engineer (REE)
Registered Electrical Engineer’s field of practice includes:
- Charge or supervision of operation and maintenance of electrical equipment in power plants, industrial plants, watercraft, electric locomotive, and others;
- Manufacture and repair of electrical supply and utilization equipment including switchboards, power transformers, generators, motors, apparatus, and others;
- Teaching of electrical subjects; and
- Sale and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring engineering circulations or application of engineering data;
Registered Master Electrician (RME)
Registered Master Electrician’s field of practice includes:
- Installation, wiring, operation, maintenance and repair of electrical machinery, equipment and devices, in residential, commercial, institutional, commercial and industrial buildings, in power plants, substations, watercrafts, electric locomotives, and the like: Provided, That if the installation or the machinery is rated in excess of five hundred kilovolt-amperes (500 Kva), or in excess of six hundred volts (600 V) the work shall be under the supervision of a professional electrical engineer or a registered electrical engineer.
Verify a Licensed Electrical Practitioner
To verify a PRC license you may visit the link provided below: